Founded by Chris Ramsey, Plug In Adventures (PIA) was born from a combined passion for adventure and electric vehicles. Its aim was to engage with the public in unique and different ways, championing everything electric vehicle related.

However it has now become an adventure and social media influencing brand in its own right, and gives businesses and electric vehicle brands the opportunity to showcase their products and services in a captivating and uniquely interesting way.

PIA has worked with some of the industry's biggest businesses and brands, such as BMW, Jaguar and Nissan, as well as advised and worked with leading government organisations and global media outlets, like the Scottish Government, Transport Scotland, BBC, CNN International, SkyNews, Fifth Gear and ITV.

Hire Plug in Adventures to work with your business:

  • Public Speaker & TV/Video content Presenter.
  • Consultancy on your own event or expedition.
  • Real world endurance product testing in harsh environments.
  • Engaging Social media influencer for brand and product launches.
  • Broadcaster engagement and consultancy, creating unique content for TV.

To work with Plug in Adventure please contact info@pluginadventure.com